Scott William

Scott is an accredited Teacher, Medium, Clairvoyant, Trance Medium, Reiki Master, Spiritual Healer and Platform Medium. In 2011, he received the honour of being ordained a Spiritualist Reverend and Minister by Chatswood Spiritualist Church.

Connecting with his team of Spiritual Guides, Scott uses a combination of clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling), clairaudience (hearing), and claircognizance (knowing), tarot, psychometry and mediumship to bring forth messages of guidance, inspiration and healing.

Dedicated to a life of Service, Scott recognises he is merely a conduit for the Universal Energy and Guidance that flows through him. It is this understanding that keeps him grounded, humble and committed to being the clearest channel he can be – working for the highest good possible with the greatest intention.